Ministry partners are a vital part of C.T.T.M.
They form a corps of committed colleagues who strengthen
our efforts and help to sustain us. Our ministry would be
greatly diminished without them. It is all too easy
for those in vocational ministry to assume they are
on their own. That simply is not ever the case.

The body of Christ is a vast company of believers
from all walks of life. No individual is in ministry
completely on their own. Furthermore, no ministry
can ever be completely successful without
the collaboration and cooperation of many people.

God has blessed Dr. Judy and me with many partners
who go with us everywhere we travel. By that, I mean their
prayers and financial support empower us.
Their encouragement presses us forward. When the
going gets rough, our partners and
intercessors pray us through.

Our partners are also with us at home, because they
continually carry us before the Father in prayer.
Nothing they do for this ministry is more important
than the prayers they offer on our behalf.
The longer we continue in ministry, the more
aware we are of the sustaining power of prayer.

Furthermore, their faithfulness in sharing their substance
makes it possible for us to do what would otherwise be impossible. Their faithful giving sustains us, for they provide essential financial resources that we simply must have to continue. Every gift they give, those given on a regular
monthly basis, as well as those we receive as one time
gifts are vital. Every amount whether large or small is significant. Every dollar we receive is appreciated
so very much. We simply could not go on
without our partners.

Every success we experience is a success that
is shared by our partners. Any reward heaven brings
is a team effort. Being in the forefront of a ministry is
only the "tip of the iceberg," so to speak, because
we know that God has given us our amazing
partners, and we are so blessed to have
them with us in this endeavor.

We thank and bless our God for them, for you,
being such an important part of our lives.

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CTTM Ministries International
Apostolic Leadership and Direction through Coaching, Teaching, Training, and Mentoring
Copyright © 2010 by CTTM Ministries International, Inc.
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